Burn Fat; Exercise

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. Kids who are active will:

If you have a child and are worried about his or her health, check out the healthy clubs page with links for the websites for children to take part in many clubs.

Try to encourage them to do more exercise and spend less time lazing around, try reward systems and give them less to eat, it will take time, but you CAN do it.

The Three Elements of Fitness

  1. run away from the kid who's "it" (endurance)
  2. cross the monkey bars (strength)
  3. bend down to tie their shoes (flexibility)
  4. Aerobic exercises can be good for adults and children, try some of these:
    • basketball
    • bicycling
    • ice-skating
    • inline skating
    • soccer
    • swimming
    • tennis
    • walking
    • jogging
    • running

The percentage of overweight and obese kids and teens has more than doubled over the past 30 years. Although many factors contribute to this epidemic, children are becoming more sedentary. In other words, they're sitting around a lot more than they used to.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average child is watching about 3 hours of television a day. And the average kid spends 5½ hours on all screen media combined (TV, videos and DVDs, computer time outside of schoolwork, and video games).

How to know if your burning fat during exercise:
If you heart rate is between 140-160 bmp(beats per minute), then you are burning fat at the perfect rate.